23/24 Lineup out now - #anotherdayinparadise


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  • Ski Pole Sizing

    Height (ft)

    Height (cm)

    Suggested Pole Length (cm)

    4′9"-5′0" 145-152 105
    5′1"-5′3" 155-160 110
    5′4"-5′6" 163-168 115
    5′7"-5′9" 170-175 120
    5′10"-6′0" 178-183 125
    6′1"-6′3" 185-191 130
    6′4"-6′6" 193-198 135
    6′7" + 201 + 140 +

    The traditional way of measuring if your poles are the correct height is to turn your poles upside down, keep your arms at your sides, and grab the pole just underneath the basket. In this position, your arms should form 90-degree angles.

    However, some people choose longer or shorter poles based on personal preferences; if you've been skiing with extra-long poles your whole life and haven't had any issues, don't change it now!